
Baseball Players With Last Name Starting With R

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Baseball Players With Last Name Starting 'R'

Player name followed by year of birth

Brian Raabe (1967)
John Rabb (1960)
Charlie Rabe (1932)
Josh Rabe (1978)
Mike Rabelo (1980)
Ryan Raburn (1981)
Marv Rackley (1921)
Mike Raczka (1962)
Dick Radatz (1937)
Dave Rader (1948)
Doug Rader (1944)
Scott Radinsky (1968)
Brad Radke (1972)
Rob Radlosky (1974)
Ryan Radmanovich (1971)
Hal Raether (1932)
Al Raffo (1941)
Cole Ragans (1997)
Brady Raggio (1972)
Tom Ragland (1946)
Eric Raich (1951)
Steve Rain (1975)
Larry Raines (1930)
Tim Raines (1959)
Tim Raines (1979)
Chuck Rainey (1954)
Tanner Rainey (1992)
Dave Rajsich (1951)
Gary Rajsich (1954)
Aaron Rakers (1977)
Jason Rakers (1973)
Ed Rakow (1935)
Cal Raleigh (1996)
Brooks Raley (1988)
Luke Raley (1994)
Bob Ramazzotti (1917)
Alex Ramirez (1974)
Alexei Ramirez (1981)
Allan Ramirez (1957)
Aramis Ramirez (1978)
Carlos Ramirez (1991)
Edwar Ramirez (1981)
Elizardo Ramirez (1983)
Elvin Ramirez (1987)
Erasmo Ramirez (1976)
Erasmo Ramirez (1990)
Hanley Ramirez (1983)
Harold Ramirez (1994)
Hector Ramirez (1971)
Horacio Ramirez (1979)
J. C. Ramirez (1988)
Jose Ramirez (1992)
Jose Ramirez (1990)
Julio Ramirez (1977)
Manny Ramirez (1972)
Mario Ramirez (1957)
Max Ramirez (1984)
Milt Ramirez (1950)
Neil Ramirez (1989)
Nick Ramirez (1989)
Noe Ramirez (1989)
Orlando Ramirez (1951)
Rafael Ramirez (1958)
Ramon Ramirez (1981)
Ramon Ramirez (1982)
Roberto Ramirez (1971)
Roel Ramirez (1995)
Santiago Ramirez (1978)
Wilkin Ramirez (1985)
Yefry Ramirez (1993)
Yohan Ramirez (1995)
AJ Ramos (1986)
Bobby Ramos (1955)
Cesar Ramos (1984)
Domingo Ramos (1958)
Edgar Ramos (1975)
Edubray Ramos (1992)
Heliot Ramos (1999)
Henry Ramos (1992)
John Ramos (1965)
Ken Ramos (1967)
Mario Ramos (1977)
Pedro Ramos (1935)
Wilson Ramos (1987)
Robert Ramsay (1973)
Willie Ramsdell (1916)
Bill Ramsey (1920)
Fernando Ramsey (1965)
Matt Ramsey (1989)
Mike Ramsey (1954)
Mike Ramsey (1960)
Anthony Ranaudo (1989)
Dick Rand (1931)
Joe Randa (1969)
Bob Randall (1948)
Sap Randall (1960)
Scott Randall (1975)
Lenny Randle (1949)
Steve Randolph (1974)
Willie Randolph (1954)
Merritt Ranew (1938)
Ribs Raney (1923)
Cody Ransom (1976)
Jeff Ransom (1960)
Clay Rapada (1981)
Earl Rapp (1921)
Pat Rapp (1967)
Vic Raschi (1919)
Colby Rasmus (1986)
Cory Rasmus (1987)
Dennis Rasmussen (1959)
Drew Rasmussen (1995)
Eric Rasmussen (1952)
Rob Rasmussen (1989)
Darrell Rasner (1981)
Fred Rath (1943)
Fred Rath (1973)
Gary Rath (1973)
Gene Ratliff (1945)
Jon Ratliff (1971)
Paul Ratliff (1944)
Steve Ratzer (1953)
Doug Rau (1948)
Bob Rauch (1949)
Jon Rauch (1978)
Bob Raudman (1942)
Lance Rautzhan (1952)
Rangel Ravelo (1992)
Josh Ravin (1988)
Shane Rawley (1955)
Chris Ray (1982)
Corey Ray (1994)
Jim Ray (1944)
Johnny Ray (1957)
Ken Ray (1974)
Larry Ray (1958)
Robbie Ray (1991)
Robert Ray (1984)
Curt Raydon (1933)
Floyd Rayford (1957)
Claude Raymond (1937)
John Raynor (1984)
Barry Raziano (1947)
Colin Rea (1990)
Raudy Read (1993)
Randy Ready (1960)
J. T. Realmuto (1991)
Britt Reames (1973)
Leroy Reams (1943)
Jeff Reardon (1955)
Chris Rearick (1987)
Frank Reberger (1944)
Jeff Reboulet (1964)
Anthony Recker (1983)
Josh Reddick (1987)
Tim Redding (1978)
Pete Redfern (1954)
Joe Redfield (1961)
Mark Redman (1974)
Prentice Redman (1979)
Tike Redman (1977)
Glenn Redmon (1948)
Mike Redmond (1971)
Todd Redmond (1985)
Wayne Redmond (1945)
Gary Redus (1956)
Bob Reece (1951)
A. J. Reed (1993)
Addison Reed (1988)
Billy Reed (1922)
Bob Reed (1945)
Chris Reed (1990)
Cody Reed (1993)
Darren Reed (1965)
Eric Reed (1980)
Evan Reed (1985)
Howie Reed (1936)
Jack Reed (1933)
Jake Reed (1992)
Jeff Reed (1962)
Jeremy Reed (1981)
Jerry Reed (1955)
Jody Reed (1962)
Keith Reed (1978)
Michael Reed (1992)
Rick Reed (1964)
Ron Reed (1942)
Steve Reed (1965)
Bill Reeder (1922)
Kevin Reese (1978)
Pokey Reese (1973)
Rich Reese (1941)
Jakson Reetz (1996)
Rob Refsnyder (1991)
Rudy Regalado (1930)
Phil Regan (1937)
Nick Regilio (1978)
Steven Register (1983)
Herman Reich (1917)
Rick Reichardt (1943)
Dan Reichert (1976)
Earl Reid (1913)
Jessie Reid (1962)
Ryan Reid (1985)
Scott Reid (1947)
Sean Reid-Foley (1995)
Kevin Reimer (1964)
Nolan Reimold (1983)
Mike Reinbach (1949)
Chad Reineke (1982)
Jack Reinheimer (1992)
Zac Reininger (1993)
Brian Reith (1978)
Chris Reitsma (1977)
Ken Reitz (1951)
Bryan Rekar (1972)
Zach Reks (1993)
Desi Relaford (1973)
Mike Remlinger (1966)
Win Remmerswaal (1954)
Jerry Remy (1952)
Tony Renda (1991)
Anthony Rendon (1990)
Hunter Renfroe (1992)
Laddie Renfroe (1962)
Marshall Renfroe (1936)
Luis Rengifo (1997)
Rick Renick (1944)
Hal Reniff (1938)
Steve Renko (1944)
Bill Renna (1924)
Edgar Renteria (1976)
Rich Renteria (1961)
Jason Repko (1980)
Andy Replogle (1953)
Roger Repoz (1940)
Rip Repulski (1928)
Chris Resop (1982)
Dino Restelli (1924)
Michael Restovich (1979)
Merv Rettenmund (1943)
Ken Retzer (1934)
Paul Reuschel (1947)
Rick Reuschel (1949)
Jerry Reuss (1949)
Todd Revenig (1969)
Ben Revere (1988)
Dave Revering (1953)
Alberto Reyes (1970)
Alex Reyes (1994)
Anthony Reyes (1981)
Argenis Reyes (1982)
Carlos Reyes (1969)
Dennys Reyes (1977)
Denyi Reyes (1996)
Franmil Reyes (1995)
Gerardo Reyes (1993)
Gil Reyes (1963)
Jesus Reyes (1993)
Jo-Jo Reyes (1984)
Jose Reyes (1983)
Jose Reyes (1983)
Pablo Reyes (1993)
Rene Reyes (1978)
Victor Reyes (1994)
Archie Reynolds (1946)
Bob Reynolds (1947)
Bryan Reynolds (1995)
Craig Reynolds (1952)
Danny Reynolds (1919)
Don Reynolds (1953)
Greg Reynolds (1985)
Harold Reynolds (1960)
Ken Reynolds (1947)
Mark Reynolds (1983)
Matt Reynolds (1984)
Matt Reynolds (1990)
R. J. Reynolds (1959)
Ronn Reynolds (1958)
Shane Reynolds (1968)
Tommie Reynolds (1941)
Armando Reynoso (1966)
Jacob Rhame (1993)
Bobby Rhawn (1919)
John Rheinecker (1979)
Rick Rhoden (1953)
Arthur Rhodes (1969)
Dusty Rhodes (1927)
Karl Rhodes (1968)
Kevin Rhomberg (1955)
Will Rhymes (1983)
Dennis Ribant (1941)
Frank Riccelli (1953)
Chuck Ricci (1968)
Del Rice (1922)
Hal Rice (1924)
Jim Rice (1953)
Pat Rice (1963)
Scott Rice (1981)
Danny Richar (1983)
Chris Richard (1974)
Clayton Richard (1983)
J. R. Richard (1950)
Lee Richard (1948)
Duane Richards (1936)
Fred Richards (1927)
Garrett Richards (1988)
Gene Richards (1953)
Rusty Richards (1965)
Trevor Richards (1993)
Antoan Richardson (1983)
Bobby Richardson (1935)
Dustin Richardson (1984)
Gordie Richardson (1938)
Jeff Richardson (1963)
Jeff Richardson (1965)
Kevin Richardson (1980)
Mike Richardt (1958)
Pete Richert (1939)
Rob Richie (1965)
Scott Richmond (1979)
Al Richter (1927)
Joey Rickard (1991)
Dave Ricketts (1935)
Dick Ricketts (1933)
Fred Rico (1944)
JT Riddle (1991)
Denny Riddleberger (1945)
Jeff Ridgway (1980)
Stephen Ridings (1995)
Steve Ridzik (1929)
John Riedling (1975)
C. J. Riefenhauser (1990)
Andre Rienzo (1988)
Nikco Riesgo (1967)
Brad Rigby (1973)
Paul Rigdon (1975)
Jerrod Riggan (1974)
Shawn Riggans (1980)
Adam Riggs (1972)
Dave Righetti (1958)
Ron Rightnowar (1964)
Bill Rigney (1918)
Jose Rijo (1965)
Ernie Riles (1960)
Austin Riley (1997)
George Riley (1956)
Matt Riley (1979)
Andy Rincon (1959)
Juan Rincon (1979)
Ricardo Rincon (1970)
Jeff Rineer (1955)
Royce Ring (1980)
Bob Rinker (1921)
Alex Rios (1981)
Armando Rios (1971)
Danny Rios (1972)
Edwin Rios (1994)
Juan Rios (1942)
Yacksel Rios (1993)
Billy Ripken (1964)
Cal Ripken (1960)
Allen Ripley (1952)
Ray Rippelmeyer (1933)
David Riske (1976)
Bill Risley (1967)
Jay Ritchie (1936)
Todd Ritchie (1971)
Wally Ritchie (1965)
Reggie Ritter (1960)
Jim Rittwage (1944)
Kevin Ritz (1965)
Alfonso Rivas (1996)
Luis Rivas (1979)
Webster Rivas (1990)
Ben Rivera (1968)
Bombo Rivera (1952)
Carlos Rivera (1978)
Emmanuel Rivera (1996)
German Rivera (1960)
Jim Rivera (1921)
Juan Rivera (1978)
Luis Rivera (1964)
Luis Rivera (1978)
Mariano Rivera (1969)
Mike Rivera (1976)
Rene Rivera (1983)
Roberto Rivera (1969)
Ruben Rivera (1973)
Saul Rivera (1977)
T. J. Rivera (1988)
Yadiel Rivera (1992)
Carlos Rivero (1988)
Sebastian Rivero (1998)
Mickey Rivers (1948)
Anthony Rizzo (1989)
Todd Rizzo (1971)
Sendy Rleal (1980)
Joe Roa (1971)
Donn Roach (1989)
Jason Roach (1976)
Mel Roach (1933)
Tanner Roark (1986)
Mike Roarke (1930)
Bruce Robbins (1959)
Jake Robbins (1976)
Bert Roberge (1954)
Chris Roberson (1979)
Kevin Roberson (1968)
Sid Roberson (1971)
Luis Robert (1997)
Bip Roberts (1963)
Brian Roberts (1977)
Curt Roberts (1929)
Dale Roberts (1942)
Dave Roberts (1933)
Dave Roberts (1944)
Dave Roberts (1951)
Dave Roberts (1972)
Ethan Roberts (1997)
Grant Roberts (1977)
Kenny Roberts (1988)
Leon Roberts (1951)
Robin Roberts (1926)
Ryan Roberts (1980)
Willis Roberts (1975)
Andre Robertson (1957)
Bob Robertson (1946)
Connor Robertson (1981)
Dan Robertson (1985)
Daniel Robertson (1994)
Daryl Robertson (1936)
David Robertson (1985)
Don Robertson (1930)
Jeriome Robertson (1977)
Jerry Robertson (1943)
Jim Robertson (1928)
Kramer Robertson (1994)
Mike Robertson (1970)
Nate Robertson (1977)
Rich Robertson (1968)
Rich Robertson (1944)
Tyler Robertson (1987)
Billy Jo Robidoux (1964)
Bill Robinson (1943)
Brooks Robinson (1937)
Bruce Robinson (1954)
Chris Robinson (1984)
Chuckie Robinson (1994)
Clint Robinson (1985)
Craig Robinson (1948)
Dave Robinson (1946)
Derrick Robinson (1987)
Dewey Robinson (1955)
Don Robinson (1957)
Drew Robinson (1992)
Earl Robinson (1936)
Floyd Robinson (1936)
Frank Robinson (1935)
Humberto Robinson (1930)
Jack Robinson (1921)
Jackie Robinson (1919)
Jeff Robinson (1960)
Jeff Robinson (1961)
Ken Robinson (1969)
Kerry Robinson (1973)
Ron Robinson (1962)
Shane Robinson (1984)
Trayvon Robinson (1987)
Hansel Robles (1990)
Mauricio Robles (1989)
Oscar Robles (1976)
Rafael Robles (1947)
Sergio Robles (1946)
Victor Robles (1997)
Jacob Robson (1994)
Tom Robson (1946)
Armando Roche (1926)
Mike Rochford (1963)
John Rocker (1974)
Pat Rockett (1955)
Rich Rodas (1959)
Andre Rodgers (1934)
Brady Rodgers (1990)
Brendan Rodgers (1996)
Buck Rodgers (1938)
Eric Rodin (1930)
Fernando Rodney (1977)
Carlos Rodon (1992)
Alex Rodriguez (1975)
Aneury Rodriguez (1987)
Aurelio Rodriguez (1947)
Carlos Rodriguez (1967)
Chris Rodriguez (1998)
Dereck Rodriguez (1992)
Eddy Rodriguez (1981)
Eddy Rodriguez (1985)
Eduardo Rodriguez (1952)
Eduardo Rodriguez (1993)
Edwin Rodriguez (1960)
Ellie Rodriguez (1946)
Elvin Rodriguez (1998)
Felix Rodriguez (1972)
Fernando Rodriguez (1984)
Francisco Rodriguez (1982)
Francisco Rodriguez (1983)
Frankie Rodriguez (1972)
Freddy Rodriguez (1924)
Guilder Rodriguez (1983)
Guillermo Rodriguez (1978)
Hector Rodriguez (1920)
Henry Rodriguez (1987)
Henry Rodriguez (1990)
Henry Rodriguez (1967)
Ivan Rodriguez (1971)
Jefry Rodriguez (1993)
Joely Rodriguez (1991)
John Rodriguez (1978)
Jose Rodriguez (1974)
Jose Rodriguez (1995)
Josh Rodriguez (1984)
Julio Rodriguez (2000)
Liu Rodriguez (1976)
Luis Rodriguez (1980)
Manuel Rodriguez (1996)
Nerio Rodriguez (1971)
Nivaldo Rodriguez (1997)
Paco Rodriguez (1991)
Rafael Rodriguez (1984)
Ricardo Rodriguez (1978)
Ricardo Rodriguez (1992)
Rich Rodriguez (1963)
Richard Rodriguez (1990)
Rick Rodriguez (1960)
Roberto Rodriguez (1941)
Ronny Rodriguez (1992)
Rosario Rodriguez (1969)
Ruben Rodriguez (1964)
Sean Rodriguez (1985)
Steve Rodriguez (1970)
Tony Rodriguez (1970)
Vic Rodriguez (1961)
Wandy Rodriguez (1979)
Wilfredo Rodriguez (1979)
Wilking Rodriguez (1990)
Yerry Rodriguez (1997)
Yorman Rodriguez (1992)
Chaz Roe (1986)
Ed Roebuck (1931)
Gary Roenicke (1954)
Josh Roenicke (1982)
Ron Roenicke (1956)
Mike Roesler (1963)
Brian Rogers (1982)
Eddie Rogers (1978)
Esmil Rogers (1985)
Jake Rogers (1995)
Jason Rogers (1988)
Jimmy Rogers (1967)
Josh Rogers (1994)
Kenny Rogers (1964)
Kevin Rogers (1968)
Mark Rogers (1986)
Steve Rogers (1949)
Taylor Rogers (1990)
Trevor Rogers (1997)
Tyler Rogers (1990)
Garry Roggenburk (1940)
Mike Rogodzinski (1948)
Saul Rogovin (1922)
Dave Rohde (1964)
Ryan Rohlinger (1983)
Dan Rohn (1956)
Billy Rohr (1945)
Les Rohr (1946)
Dan Rohrmeier (1965)
Tony Roig (1928)
Cookie Rojas (1939)
Jose Rojas (1993)
Josh Rojas (1994)
Mel Rojas (1966)
Miguel Rojas (1989)
Minnie Rojas (1933)
Jim Roland (1942)
Scott Rolen (1975)
Nate Rolison (1977)
David Rollins (1989)
Jimmy Rollins (1978)
Rich Rollins (1938)
Damian Rolls (1977)
Jamie Romak (1985)
Bill Roman (1938)
Jose Roman (1963)
Ron Romanick (1960)
Jason Romano (1979)
Jim Romano (1927)
John Romano (1934)
Jordan Romano (1993)
Mike Romano (1972)
Sal Romano (1993)
Tom Romano (1958)
Dutch Romberger (1927)
Alex Romero (1983)
Davis Romero (1983)
Ed Romero (1957)
Enny Romero (1991)
Fernando Romero (1994)
J. C. Romero (1976)
Jhon Romero (1995)
JoJo Romero (1996)
Mandy Romero (1967)
Niuman Romero (1985)
Ramon Romero (1959)
Ricky Romero (1984)
Seth Romero (1996)
Stefen Romero (1988)
Tommy Romero (1997)
Andrew Romine (1985)
Austin Romine (1988)
Kevin Romine (1961)
Enrique Romo (1947)
Sergio Romo (1983)
Vicente Romo (1943)
John Romonosky (1929)
Marc Ronan (1969)
Angel Rondon (1997)
Bruce Rondon (1990)
Gil Rondon (1953)
Hector Rondon (1988)
Jorge Rondon (1988)
Jose Rondon (1994)
Matt Roney (1980)
Gene Roof (1958)
Phil Roof (1941)
Brent Rooker (1994)
Jim Rooker (1942)
Rolando Roomes (1962)
Pat Rooney (1957)
John Roper (1971)
Jorge Roque (1950)
Rafael Roque (1972)
Ben Rortvedt (1997)
Adonis Rosa (1994)
Carlos Rosa (1984)
Jose Rosado (1974)
Luis Rosado (1955)
Adam Rosales (1983)
Leo Rosales (1981)
Alberto Rosario (1987)
Amed Rosario (1995)
Eddie Rosario (1991)
Eguy Rosario (1999)
Francisco Rosario (1980)
Jimmy Rosario (1945)
Melvin Rosario (1973)
Randy Rosario (1994)
Rodrigo Rosario (1977)
Sandy Rosario (1985)
Santiago Rosario (1939)
Victor Rosario (1966)
Wilin Rosario (1989)
Bobby Rose (1967)
Brian Rose (1976)
Don Rose (1947)
Mike Rose (1976)
Pete Rose (1969)
Pete Rose (1941)
John Roseboro (1933)
Bob Roselli (1931)
Dave Rosello (1950)
Al Rosen (1924)
B. J. Rosenberg (1985)
Kenny Rosenberg (1995)
Steve Rosenberg (1964)
Trevor Rosenthal (1990)
Wayne Rosenthal (1965)
Seth Rosin (1988)
John Roskos (1974)
Bob Ross (1928)
Cliff Ross (1928)
Cody Ross (1980)
David Ross (1977)
Gary Ross (1947)
Joe Ross (1993)
Mark Ross (1954)
Robbie Ross (1989)
Tyson Ross (1987)
Zac Rosscup (1988)
Joe Rosselli (1972)
Joe Rossi (1921)
Bubby Rossman (1992)
Ramon Rosso (1996)
Rico Rossy (1964)
Marv Rotblatt (1927)
Michael Roth (1990)
Bob Rothel (1923)
Larry Rothschild (1954)
Vinny Rottino (1980)
Gene Rounsaville (1944)
Mike Rouse (1980)
Aaron Rowand (1977)
Wade Rowdon (1960)
Don Rowe (1936)
Ken Rowe (1933)
Ben Rowen (1988)
Mike Rowland (1953)
Rich Rowland (1964)
Ryan Rowland-Smith (1983)
Chris Rowley (1990)
Jean-Pierre Roy (1920)
Normie Roy (1928)
Stan Royer (1967)
Jerry Royster (1952)
Willie Royster (1954)
Dick Rozek (1927)
Dave Rozema (1956)
Vic Roznovsky (1938)
Ryan Rua (1990)
Wilkin Ruan (1978)
Sonny Ruberto (1946)
Jorge Rubio (1945)
Drew Rucinski (1988)
Dave Rucker (1957)
Michael Rucker (1994)
Joe Rudi (1946)
Don Rudolph (1931)
Ernie Rudolph (1909)
Ken Rudolph (1946)
Matt Ruebel (1969)
Kirk Rueter (1970)
Darin Ruf (1986)
Rudy Rufer (1926)
Scott Ruffcorn (1969)
Bruce Ruffin (1963)
Chance Ruffin (1988)
Johnny Ruffin (1971)
Justin Ruggiano (1982)
Vern Ruhle (1951)
Carlos Ruiz (1979)
Chico Ruiz (1938)
Chico Ruiz (1951)
Esteury Ruiz (1999)
Jose Ruiz (1994)
Keibert Ruiz (1998)
Norge Ruiz (1994)
Randy Ruiz (1977)
Rio Ruiz (1994)
Nick Rumbelow (1991)
Rich Rundles (1981)
Paul Runge (1958)
Tom Runnells (1955)
Pete Runnels (1928)
Sean Runyan (1974)
Dan Runzler (1985)
Josh Rupe (1982)
Ryan Rupe (1975)
Cameron Rupp (1988)
Glendon Rusch (1974)
Bob Rush (1925)
Jim Rushford (1974)
Chris Rusin (1986)
Scott Ruskin (1963)
Adam Russell (1983)
Addison Russell (1994)
Bill Russell (1948)
James Russell (1986)
Jeff Russell (1961)
John Russell (1961)
Kevin Russo (1984)
Dick Rusteck (1941)
Johnny Rutherford (1925)
Dick Ruthven (1951)
Josh Rutledge (1989)
Mickey Rutner (1919)
Adley Rutschman (1998)
Mark Ryal (1960)
Rusty Ryal (1983)
B. J. Ryan (1975)
Brendan Ryan (1982)
Dusty Ryan (1984)
Jason Ryan (1976)
Joe Ryan (1996)
Ken Ryan (1968)
Kyle Ryan (1991)
Mike Ryan (1941)
Mike Ryan (1977)
Nolan Ryan (1947)
Rob Ryan (1973)
Gary Ryerson (1948)
Hyun Jin Ryu (1987)
Jae Kuk Ryu (1983)
Marc Rzepczynski (1985)

Note: This list includes players who debuted in Major League Baseball from 1945 to 2022.

Lahman Baseball Database by Sean Lahman, CC BY-SA 3.0. 

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